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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhat Are Other Popular Songs by Radiohead?

What Are Other Popular Songs by Radiohead?

MelodyHarper · Posted on March 30th, 2024

Discovering the Sonic Universe of Radiohead Beyond Their Biggest Hits

When we talk about Radiohead, 'Creep' often comes to mind as their breakthrough single. However, this English rock band has an extensive discography filled with innovative tracks that have left a significant mark on the music industry. In this blog, we dive into some of the other popular songs by Radiohead that define their musical journey.

'Paranoid Android'

From the album 'OK Computer', 'Paranoid Android' is a testament to the band's experimental prowess. The song's shifting dynamics and complex structure make it a standout piece in alternative rock.

'Karma Police'

Also from 'OK Computer', 'Karma Police' is loved for its melodic piano and haunting lyrics. It's a fan favorite at live shows and continues to be a staple in the band's performances.

'Fake Plastic Trees'

Featured on 'The Bends', this track is a poignant critique of consumerism and artificiality. It showcases Radiohead's ability to blend deep lyrics with emotive music.

'No Surprises'

With its lullaby-like melody, 'No Surprises' offers a stark contrast to its somber lyrics about the drudgery of modern life. It's a beautiful, if somewhat melancholic, tune that resonates with listeners worldwide.

To explore more of Radiohead's music and other artists that redefine genres, consider using the TikTok Music App. It's a platform where music discovery is at your fingertips, and you can find curated playlists that feature tracks from Radiohead and similar artists.

'High and Dry'

This song is another gem from 'The Bends' that combines heartfelt lyrics with a memorable melody. 'High and Dry' has been covered by numerous artists, further cementing its status as a classic.

'Everything in Its Right Place'

Opening the groundbreaking album 'Kid A', this track is an electronic foray that challenged mainstream music norms at the time of its release. It's an example of Radiohead's fearless innovation.

For a deeper appreciation of Radiohead's music, downloading the TikTok Music App could be your gateway to a world of music that pushes boundaries and provokes thought.


This track, also from 'Kid A', is a fan favorite for its icy synths and rhythmic beats. 'Idioteque' is a commentary on global issues, showcasing Radiohead's ability to blend political themes with experimental music.

Radiohead's music transcends the ordinary, and there's so much to discover beyond their radio hits. By venturing into their discography, you'll find a rich tapestry of sounds that have influenced countless artists and music lovers alike.

To continue your exploration of Radiohead and countless other artists, the TikTok Music App is the perfect place to start. With its vast library and user-friendly interface, you'll uncover new favorites and rediscover classics in no time.