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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWho is Kangen Band, Indonesian Pop Music Group?

Who is Kangen Band, Indonesian Pop Music Group?

Melati Putih · Posted on March 31st, 2024

Who is Kangen Band?

Kangen Band is a musical group that originated from Lampung, Indonesia. The band was formed in 2005 and is very famous for its songs of Malay pop genre. Some of their famous hits include'About Me, You and Him ',' Yolanda ', and'My Heart'. They are known to have simple but touching lyrics, which quickly found a place in the hearts of their fans.

The History and Development of Kangen Band Music

Starting from the city of Lampung, Kangen Band began to be known since the release of their first album'About Me, You and Him 'in 2007. This album succeeded in popularizing them in the national music scene. With the distinctive voice of the main vocalist, Andika Mahesa, Kangen Band managed to bewitch Malay pop music fans in Indonesia.

After the success of the first album, Kangen Band continues to release hit after hit, which gives them a place among the most popular bands in Indonesia. They also often appear in various television shows and music concerts, which further strengthens their position in the Indonesian music industry.

Album and Song Hit Kangen Band

Since the first album, Kangen Band has released several albums and many hit songs that are liked by various circles. Some of their albums include'Star 14 Days', 'Don't Fight Again', and'Adoration of the Heart '. Each album features songs that are fan favorites and are often heard on radios throughout Indonesia.

Kangen Band in the Digital Age

With the development of technology and digital music, Kangen Band also began to adjust. Their songs are available on various music streaming platforms, including inTikTok Music, which allows fans of a new generation to enjoy their music. Platforms such as TikTok Music also provide an opportunity for Kangen Band to reach more listeners and introduce their work to a wider audience.


Kangen Band is one of the bands that managed to steal the attention of music fans in Indonesia with melancholy songs and profound lyrics. They have shown their resilience and adaptation to changing times and technology, continue to work and maintain their relevance in the music industry. With a presence on streaming platforms such as TikTok Music, the future of Kangen Band looks bright, continues to captivate the hearts of fans old and new.