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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleRevealing the Typical Music Genres of JKT48

Revealing the Typical Music Genres of JKT48

Melati Putih ยท Posted on April 23rd, 2024

What Genre of Music is Played by JKT48?

JKT48 is an Indonesian female idol group that is the sister of AKB48, an idol group from Japan. Since its debut, JKT48 has presented various songs with a cheerful and energetic pop feel. However, what exactly is the genre of music played by them?

In general, JKT48 plays music with genreJ-popor Japanese pop adapted into the Indonesian context. Their songs are influenced by pop and electronic music with a distinctive touch of Japanese idols. However, not infrequently JKT48 also presents songs with other genres such as ballads, rock, and even traditional Indonesian music on several special occasions.

For example, Heavy Rotation, one of JKT48 s most popular songs, has a cheerful beat and is a perfect representation of the pop music they perform. Meanwhile, songs like River feature stronger rock elements.

JKT48 not only sings songs of a certain genre, but also becomes a forum for its members to express various emotions and messages through music. Thus, they managed to create a unique and diverse musical identity.

To learn more about JKT48 music, you can visit the applicationTikTok Musicwhere you can find their collection of songs and experience for yourself the diversity of genres they offer.