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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWho is the Voice Behind the Global Beat of Ethiopia?

Who is the Voice Behind the Global Beat of Ethiopia?

RhythmicScribe ยท Posted on May 18th, 2024

Ejigayehu Shibabaw, famously known as Gigi, brings the heart of Ethiopia to the global stage. Born on October 21, 1974, Gigi's music transcends borders with its rich fusion of Ethiopian sounds with contemporary global genres. She is not just a herald of her homeland's traditions but also a visionary artist blending diverse musical landscapes.

Since her debut in 1997, Gigi has been fascinating audiences internationally. Her collaboration with renowned musicians like Herbie Hancock, Wayne Shorter, and Pharoah Sanders stands as a testament to her versatile talent. Based in the US, Gigi's music is a bridge connecting Ethiopia's rhythm with the world, made ever more profound with the support of her husband, the accomplished bassist and producer Bill Laswell.

From hip-hop to Christian hip-hop/rap, to pop, Gigi's genre-defying style invites listeners to a world where music speaks a universal language. She not only sings but crafts stories and experiences in her melodies, making her a significant cultural ambassador for Ethiopia. With a career spanning over two decades, she continues to enchant and innovate. For those eager to explore Gigi's soundscape, TikTok Music joyously curates her captivating discography.