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Want another Demi Lovato song?

MelodiCahaya · Posted on May 20th, 2024

Do You Want to Explore Other Demi Lovato Songs?

Pop music fans often look for songs that can touch the heart and motivate the soul. Demi Lovato, with her distinctive voice and strong message in her lyrics, is often the choice for those who seek inspiration through music. If you are familiar with hits like Sorry Not Sorry or Skyscraper, you may be wondering, what other songs from Demi Lovato are worth listening to?

Here are some Demi Lovato songs that you may not know, but have quality that is no less interesting and can be a perfect addition to your playlist.

  • Heart Attack- The song features Lovato with a powerful voice and lyrics that express the fear of falling in love.
  • Stone Cold- A ballad full of emotion, in which Lovato shows her incredible vocal range.
  • Confident- With an energetic beat, this song invites listeners to feel confident and strong.
  • Aduh!- A song with a cheerful summer theme and seductive rhythm.
  • A-Apa itu?!- Lovato conveys a message about giving a second chance in love through this song.
  • Itu dia!- This dance-pop song is filled with neon light and makes you want to dance through the night.
  • And many more. To enjoy all these songs, you can visitTikTok Musicand explore Demi Lovato's full catalog. With TikTok Music, you not only listen to these songs, but also discover various covers and creative interpretations created by users from all over the world.

    So, ready to add more Demi Lovato songs to your playlist? Visit TikTok Music now and start exploring!