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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhich Songs Touch Your Soul According to BMI?

Which Songs Touch Your Soul According to BMI?

Melodía Serrano · Posted on April 22nd, 2024

Discovering the Most Touching Songs According to BMI

Have you ever wondered which songs have the power to touch the soul and trigger awind of emotions? BMI (Broadcast Music, Inc.) is one of the largest copyright organizations in the United States and each year recognizes musical works that have marked a milestone in the industry. In this article, we will explore those tunes that BMI has categorized as the most poignant.

The Music That Touches Our Hearts

Touching songs have a special feature: they manage to connect with our deepest emotions. It doesn't matter the language or gender; if a song is able to make us feel something true, then it deserves to be recognized. BMI is in charge of celebrating and giving visibility to those themes that make us vibrate.

The Impact of Songs on Our Lives

Every musical note has the potential to transform our mood, to bring back memories or to help us overcome difficult times. BMI's most moving songs are those that have managed to be more than just a melody; they have become personal anthems for many of us.

Exploring the BMI Catalog

While we can't list each of the most touching songs according to BMI, we can mention some that have left their mark. Tracks like Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah', Adele's 'Someone Like You', and John Lennon's 'Imagine' are just one example of the depth and excitement the songs can contain.

We invite you to explore the complete BMI catalog to discover those musical gems that you may not have known and that will surely touch your heart.

For a more immersive musical experience, don't forget to download theTikTok Musicwhere you can find a wide variety of songs and create your own playlists with those melodies that move you.