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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWho is behind the charming "I fell in love with it"?

Who is behind the charming "I fell in love with it"?

MelodiaCriativa · Posted on May 30th, 2024

Who is the artist or composer of the song "Apaixonou Eu"?

The music industry is filled with talents and works that touch our hearts in different ways. One of those songs that has recently gained prominence is "I Fell in Love." But, after all, who is behind this song that has conquered so many listeners?

Unfortunately, our search did not generate specific results about the artist or composer of the song "Apaixonou Eu." This can happen because it is a new song on the market, or it is not available on the main streaming platforms. However, this does not prevent us from talking about the importance of recognizing and valuing music creators who give us so much pleasure.

Composers and artists work hard to create the melodies and lyrics that form the soundtrack of our lives. They deserve all the recognition for their creative work. When a song plays our soul, it is thanks to the talent and dedication of these artists.

If you're looking for "I fell in love" or any other successful new track, be sure to check out the appTikTok Music. There, you can discover a multitude of songs by different artists, genres and composers. And who knows, maybe you'll find the next song that will fall in love with you!

So, while we don't have a definitive answer as to who the artist or songwriter of "Apaixonou Eu" is, we invite you to explore the world of music and be enchanted by the countless songs available. Download the TikTok Music app, create your playlists and share your musical discoveries with the world!