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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhat is the Profound Meaning of'I Lay My Love on You 'Westlife?

What is the Profound Meaning of'I Lay My Love on You 'Westlife?

Melodi Cinta ยท Posted on March 28th, 2024

I Lay My Love on You Lyrics by Westlife

When we hear the chant of Westlife s I Lay My Love on You, there is a warmth flowing through the beat and the words. This song, which was released as part of the album Coast to Coast in 2000, has touched the hearts of many fans. However, what exactly do the lyrics of this song mean?

The song'I Lay My Love on You 'is a sincere confession of love from the singer to his loved ones. From beginning to end, the lyrics of this song express a variety of emotions related to deep love and commitment.

First Verse

This shows that the smile of a loved one is able to eliminate sadness or grimness.

The joy felt so strong it was unbelievable.

There's an angel standing next to me'
A loved one is seen as an angel, a symbol of goodness and perfection.


Di mana aku?
It is an expression of total surrender of love to a loved one.

Showing that giving love to the person is the singer s greatest desire.

Every time I breathe I feel brand new'
Love makes the singer feel alive and refreshed every moment.

In the midst of this digital era, we can enjoy'I Lay My Love on You 'through various music streaming platforms, one of which isTikTok Music. With this application, we can feel the magical return of this Westlife song anytime and anywhere.

Bridge and Chorus

The repetitive lyrics on the bridge and chorus of the song emphasize the commitment and desire to always be by the side of the loved one.


Overall, 'I Lay My Love on You' is a song that depicts the dedication and power of love. Although it has been more than two decades since its release, the message delivered remains relevant and touches every generation of listeners.

To learn more about the lyrics of this Westlife song, listening to it while understanding every word is the best way. And withTikTok Music, we can do that easily and conveniently.