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Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
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Circé, Act I Scene 3: O ciel! Quel sort épouvantable!
Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
Teresa Wakim
Aaron Sheehan
Lucile Richardot
Robert Mealy
Desmarest: Circé
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Ariadne, Act II: Eilt, ach eilet zu meinem Vergnügen
James Taylor
Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
Conradi: Ariadne
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Circé, Act IV Scene 5: Calmez vôtre violence
Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
Lucile Richardot
Robert Mealy
Desmarest: Circé
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Circé, Act IV Scene 2: Viens me découvrir ma rivale
Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
Lucile Richardot
Robert Mealy
Desmarest: Circé
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Circé, Act III Scene 3: Ulisse, il faut quitter ces funestes climats
Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
Michael Galvin
Robert Mealy
Desmarest: Circé
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Circé, Act I Scene 3: Votre amitié s'intéresse
Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
Lucile Richardot
Robert Mealy
Desmarest: Circé
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Circé, Prologue Scene 2: Première air pour les jeux et les plaisirs
Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
Robert Mealy
Desmarest: Circé
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Circé, Act V Scene 2: Dieux! Le cruel m'abandonne
Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
Teresa Wakim
Robert Mealy
Desmarest: Circé
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Steffani: Niobe, regina di Tebe
Philippe Jaroussky
Stephen Stubbs
Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
Released: 2015-01-05
Lully: Psyché
Carolyn Sampson
Karina Gauvin
Aaron Sheehan
Colin Balzer
Amanda Forsythe
Mireille Lebel
Yulia Van Doren
Olivier Laquerre
Jason McStoots
Matthew Shaw
Aaron Engebreth
Ricard Bordas
Teresa Wakim
José Lemos
Boston Early Music Festival Chorus
Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
Paul O'Dette
Stephen Stubbs
Released: 2008-01-01
Desmarest: Circé
Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
Boston Early Music Festival Chorus
Paul O'Dette
Stephen Stubbs
Lucille Richardot
Aaron Sheehan
Teresa Wakim
Jesse Blumberg
Amanda Forsythe
Douglas Williams
Robert Mealy
Released: 2023-05-31
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