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Massimo Carrano
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T(arantella) For Tu
Stefano Indino
Umberto Vitiello
Michele Ascolese
Massimo Carrano
Mimmo Catanzariti
Nando Citarella
Roma Porteña
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Ave Maria dò Forrò
Stefano Indino
Paolo Batistini
Massimo Carrano
Umberto Vitiello
Mimmo Catanzariti
Giancarlo Capo
Isabella Alfano
Roma Porteña
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Milo de Milagros
Stefano Indino
Paolo Batistini
Massimo Carrano
Umberto Vitiello
Mimmo Catanzariti
Alessandro Golini
Roma Porteña
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Adolescenza Inquieta
Stefano Indino
Umberto Vitiello
Massimo Carrano
Gamirol Wilder
Daniele Natrella
Giancarlo Capo
Maurizio Gregori
Roma Porteña
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F-funk sicuro
U-Man Trio
Gaia Possenti
Fabrizio Cecca
Massimo Carrano
Infant Speech
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My Favorite Things
U-Man Trio
Fabrizio Cecca
Massimo Carrano
Gaia Possenti
Infant Speech
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Infant Speech
U-Man Trio
Fabrizio Cecca
Massimo Carrano
Gaia Possenti
Infant Speech
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U-Man Trio
Massimo Carrano
Gaia Possenti
Fabrizio Cecca
Infant Speech
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