Tippu has sung over 4000 songs in various languages such as Kannada, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam. His combination with Puneeth Rajkumar has given many hit songs to the industry. The songs 'Shiva antha hoguthidde' from Jackie, 'Yaavanig gothu' from Paramaathma, 'Hey hey Paaru' from Raaj, and 'Ley Ley' fromRaam have all been major hits. Most of the songs are written by top lyricist and filmmaker Yogaraj Bhat. He has lent his voice for the films starring South Indian super stars like Dr. Vishnuvardhan and Rajinikanth.
Tippu has sung for many stars in South India, but it is his combination with Kannada super star Puneeth Rajkumar that has struck a chord with the audience. This combination has given many hit songs to the industry. The songs 'Shiva antha hoguthidde' from Jackie, 'Yaavanig gothu' from Paramaathma, 'Hey hey Paaru' from Raaj, 'Hejjegondu hejje' from Prithvi, and 'Ley Ley' from Raam have all been major hits. His combination with the music director V. Harikrishna is very popular.