Tune in Together

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Errol Lee



Artist Overview

# Pop

# R&B

# Hip Hop


Errol Lee, the son of music producer Bunny Lee and singer Merlene Webber was born in Kingston Jamaica.Errol inherited his parents’ musical talent and passion.From an early age, Errol was immersed in the creative atmosphere of the world of music.Frequently, he would attend recording sessions and performances with his parents where he watched and learned from the pioneers of reggae music.He watched as his mother developed her singing career and his father produced albums for many talented reggae artists.As a little boy, Errol often could be found backstage mimicking the dance moves he saw and then inventing his own.His early exposure to the intricacies of the music business provided Errol with an extensive education in singing, dancing, recording, performing and producing. Errol learned at an early age that his musical talents attracted a lot of attention and he was encouraged by the positive feedback he received.At the age of twelve, his teacher asked Errol to write a Christmas song which he then performed on television and at his local school where he earned his first standing ovation. Errol began to focus on exploring his musical talents in earnest when he was fifteen.When he was twenty-one, Errol performed on Much Music’s Electric Circus.This performance of “Don’t Be a Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde” caught the attention of record producers.Excited Errol met with producers only to discover that they wanted him to take his lyrics in a direction that he knew was wrong for him.Errol would not compromise his values and beliefs for a record deal and so he decided to pursue his music in his own way. Errol found his niche as he began to involve himself in community service.Volunteering his time with various organizations, Errol realized that he could use his music to make an impact on the lives of many young people who desperately needed positive role models in their lives.Errol knew that through his music, it was possible to appeal to youth without resorting to gratuitous violence, profanity and promiscuity.Today as a successful singer, song writer, recording artist, performer and motivational speaker, Errol’s positive message is reaching thousands of people of all ages.He seamlessly interweaves singing, dancing and a motivational message into a comprehensive educational experience.Errol’s unique performance style transcends the “cool barrier” captivating and inspiring audiences of all ages.Errol’s music and his positive message are especially meaningful in a world where there is so much negativity, violence, sadness and pain.Not only does he sing to affect positive change, he lives his life that way.In the future, Errol will continue to encourage positive behavior in the lives of youth through his not-for-profit Caring Kids' Concerts and continue to bring a positive influence to the R&B, reggae and hip hop culture.

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