Tune in Together

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Celelalte Cuvinte



Artist Overview

# Rock

# Metal

# Pop


Celelalte Cuvinte (The Other Words) is a Romanian rock band from Oradea (Großwardein), Crișana (Kreischgebiet) founded in December of 1981, in Timișoara (Temeschburg), Banat and still active to this day. Although it is generally accepted that Celelalte Cuvinte is a heavy metal band (with hard rock and progressive rock influences alike), the members of the band have also experimented with other sub-genres like doom metal (noticeable mainly on the Armaghedon album but also on the Destin album by the band Cargo) - an almost unique experience in Romanian rock music - or, later, like alternative rock - in the Ispita album. Celelalte Cuvinte is the first Romanian rock band that actually got the attention of the audiences that wanted elaborated music, after Phoenix fled the country in 1977 for West Germany.However, the Armaghedon album is definitely underground, so the band is both important for mainstream and underground Romanian music. On September 12, 2008, the band has decided to make two songs form the new album - "Stem" and "Zmeie", the single that promotes the new album, available for streaming on their Myspace page.The album, called Stem, was released in October 2008. The band continues to play concerts all over Romania.

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