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National Youth Orchestra Of Great Britain



Artist Overview

# Classical


The National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain (NYO) creates thrilling orchestral opportunities for the teenage musicians and audiences that need them most. No other orchestra in the world achieves such high standards with such young musicians.No other organisation does so much to enrich musical life in the UK with such modest resources. NYO, the world’s greatest orchestra of teenagers, is 70 years young in 2018.Motivated by passion for orchestral music and excitement at the astonishing potential of our teenagers, NYO supporters enable musical miracles to be performed. Three times a year, 164 NYO musicians from every part of the UK come together for residential rehearsals.The orchestra is diverse as the nation’s teenage population.Female and BAME (black and minority ethnic) musicians often take leadership roles.Creative preparation leads to a series of concerts of breathtaking energy and technical accomplishment, which regularly earn 4- and 5-star reviews in the national press. NYO reaches well over 10,000 in the concert hall, hundreds of thousands more through BBC Radio 3 broadcasts, and our annual BBC Prom attracts TV audiences of up to 2 million.NYO is Classic FM’s Orchestra of Teenagers and a Classic FM audience of millions regularly enjoys NYO archive recordings.

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