Luis Pereira (born in 1963), known as Stewart Sukuma, is a Mozambican singer.His stage name – Stewart Sukuma – means 'Rise Up' in Zulu and 'Push' in Swahili.He was born in Cuamba, Niassa Province in Mozambique.Coming from a modest family he soon realised his passion for music and in 1977 he moved to the capital Maputo, where he learned how to play percussion, guitar and piano.In 1982 he joined a music group as a vocalist.He won the Mozambican prize for music – Ngoma – in 1983 and soon became one of the most played singers in the national radio stations of Mozambique, being described as "Mozambique's most popular male vocalist".His major works include songs such as Felizminha, Xitchuketa Marrabenta, Sumanga, Male and Why and he sings in languages including Portuguese, English, Swahili, Echwabo, Coti, and Tsonga.