Tune in Together

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Vaughn Meader



Artist Overview

# Country

# Pop


Abbott Vaughn Meader (March 20, 1936 – October 29, 2004) was an American comedian, impersonator, musician, and film actor. Meader began his career as a musician but later found fame in the early 1960s after the release of the 1962 comedy record The First Family.The album spoofed President John F. Kennedy – who was played by Meader – and became the fastest selling "pre-Beatles" album in history and went on to win the Grammy Award for Album of the Year in 1963.At the peak of his popularity, he performed his Kennedy impersonation on variety shows and in nightclubs around the country and was profiled in several magazines. Meader's career success came to an abrupt end after President Kennedy was assassinated in November 1963.The First Family was quickly pulled from stores and Meader’s bookings were canceled.He attempted to take his career in a different direction by performing non-Kennedy related comedy and released a new comedy album, Have Some Nuts!!!, in early 1964.However, sales for the album were lowas public interest in Meader had waned.His career never rebounded as he was too closely associated with President Kennedy.Meader eventually returned to his native Maine where he resumed performing music and managed a pub.

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