Tune in Together

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Sofia Ellar



Artist Overview

# Spanish Pop

# Pop

# Latin Pop


Sofía Lecubarri y Ruigómez (born November 15, 1993) known professionally as Sofia Ellar, is an English singer and songwriter originally from Spain.Born and raised in London, England, she started performing in various small singing concerts as a child in the early 2000s, when she moved to Madrid.She graduated from IE University with a degree in Business administration and has continued with her musical career ever since.Ellar is praised for her close proximity to fans, notably visible in her concerts, where she can often be seen intimately surrounded by the audience. She has been host to numerous radio and television interviews, and has participated in various tours around Spain.As of September 2017, her videos on YouTube reached several million views and her tracks on Spotify, three million. On 24 February 2017, her first album, Seis peniques, was released.Its first single, entitled Segundas partes entre suicidas, marked her entrance to Spotify. Ellar is a tenth cousin twice removed of Queen Elizabeth II by common descent from Dinis of Portugal, and attended Hill House School, the alma mater of Charles, Prince of Wales, as well as Woldingham School in Surrey.She is also a twelfth cousin four times removed of Alfonso XIII of Spain. In December 2017 Sofia Ellar announced that all the revenue obtained from her single, titled Humanidad en Paro, would be destined to different charities supporting Homelessness. In April 2018, a GQ Magazine journalist labelled Ellar as a "posh girl from a distinguished family", and implied certain discredit for her professional accomplishments.Such claims were later considered "judgmental", "resentful" and "unfair" by the writer himself, who publicly apologised to the artist after receiving criticism, eventually becoming an enthusiast of her work.

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