Tune in Together

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Artist Overview

# Electronic

# Pop

# Hip Hop


Manchester, UK band with a worldwide sound.

Life & Career

In September 2008, Ryan, Josh, and former band member for 8 years Christina, formed the group Twelve24 under the organisation The Message Trust, a Christian charity in Manchester, U.K. The mission was to go into High Schools around Manchester to talk about issues of faith, respect, anti-bullying and other subjects affecting young people. We worked tirelessly, passionately and relentlessly for almost 10 years towards the goal of inspiring, transforming and improving young people's lives and helping people connect with God - many for the first time. Over the years it has developed into something we never could have asked, thought or even imagined, and for that we are truly thankful and privileged to have been part of it. For now, Ryan and Josh are rebranding the band and changing its name. It will be as a 2 piece who’s aim is still the same heart that Twelve24 had at its core.

Greatest Hits

With You - With You

Social media

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