Tune in Together

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Sid Vashi

1 Follower


Artist Overview

# Indian Independent

# R&B

# Indian Electronic

Life & Career

In 2013, Vashi dropped his debut LP titled 'Motherland Tourism'. The album, which garnered praise from influential webzines such as THUMP by Vice, showcased Vashi's ability to craft together organic, textural songs that included samples from old Indian records on top of rhythmic, dynamic hip-hop beats. In 2017, he released the critically-acclaimed concept album ‘Azuma Kazuma,’ which received critical acclaim for its ambitious narrative arc and intricate musicality. The final collateral release from the album's universe, the single ‘Birds’, was released in May, 2018. In 2019, he plans to begin a new release cycle inspired by new surroundings and old musical traditions, tempered by his own unique irreverence.

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