Tune in Together

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Size 14



Artist Overview

# Rock

# Punk Rock

# Pop


Size 14 was an American rock band in the late 1990s based out of Hollywood that gained some notoriety with the novelty song "Claire Danes Poster".This song appeared on the Dude, Where's My Car? soundtrack; other Size 14 songs appeared on movies such as Sugar & Spice, 100 Girls, and 100 Women.They released one self-titled album on Volcano Entertainment in 1997. Size 14 started after Linus of Hollywood answered an ad placed by bassist Robt Ptak in Recycler magazine looking for a lead or rhythm guitarist.Initially Ptak and Linus listened to each other's tracks, and decided to work on the demos Linus brought to the table.They demoed all the material on Ptak's 8-track.Linus then pulled in his roommate Kevin Danczak to play guitar for Size 14. Drummer Dave Armstrong initially moved to Los Angeles to be in Ptak's solo project Artificial Joy; Armstrong recorded drum tracks for some of this material.(Artificial Joy would later become a full live band when Ptak moved to New York City.) Ptak then asked Armstrong to join Size 14 as their drummer.Linus stated in an interview that the track "Rollin in the 510" was about Kevin's old car.Size 14's sound came from Linus being influenced at the time by bands such as Ridel High, Shufflepuck, That Dog, and Weezer.

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