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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhich Genres Did Elza Soares Master in Music?

Which Genres Did Elza Soares Master in Music?

Carmen Silva · Posted on March 29th, 2024

What are Elza Soares' music genres?

Elza Soares, one of the most outstanding voices in Brazilian music, has gone through several eras and influenced the evolution of several musical genres. Throughout her career, Elza has immersed in styles ranging from samba to jazz, passing through bossa nova, MPB (Brazilian Popular Music), and even forays into rock and contemporary music.

Her talent is recognized worldwide and her ability to herself and adapt to changes in the music scene is remarkable. Elza Soares was an artist who was not limited to a single genre; she explored a variety of rhythms and sounds, always with her powerful and unmistakable voice as a unifying element.

The samba, without a doubt, is the genre most associated with Elza's name. She has performed classics that have become anthems of the genre, such as "Se Acaso Se arrivasse" and "Mulata Assanhada." However, her versatility led her to with bossa nova, where she collaborated with big names like Wilson Simonal and the Pilantragem class.

MPB was also a field in which Elza Soares left her mark, with songs that brought social and political reflections, a striking feature in her repertoire. In addition, the artist was not afraid to mix genres and create unusual fusions that defied the conventions of the time.

In her last years, Elza Soares surprised by incorporating elements of rock and contemporary music into her works, showing that she was always attentive to new trends and never stopped experimenting. Her work is a reflection of Brazil's cultural richness and its ability to absorb and reinterpret diverse influences.

To appreciate the diversity of Elza Soares' legacy, be sure to explore theTikTok Music, where you can find playlists that celebrate your contribution to Brazilian and world music.