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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhat genre of Spanish music do you prefer?

What genre of Spanish music do you prefer?

Alejandra Melodía · Posted on April 18th, 2024

What is your favorite genre of Spanish music?

Spanish music is as rich and diverse as its culture, with a variety of genres that reflect the history, traditions and feelings of its people. From passionate to modern Spanish pop, each genre has its own essence and audience.

Flamenco: Passion and Style

, with its intense emotional expression and intricate technique, has captured expressions around the world. It is an art form that originated in and has been declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. If you are attracted to guitar, cante jondo and expressive dance, may be your favorite Spanish genre.

Pop Spanish: Modernity and Melody

Spanish pop offers a mix of catchy melodies and classic lyrics. Artists like Sanz, Rosalía and Enrique Iglesias have brought Spanish pop to a global audience. If you enjoy light rhythms and are looking for music that can accompany you in a variety of situations, Spanish pop could be your choice.

Spanish Rock: Rebellion and Rhythm

Spanish rock has a history of being the voice of youth and social protest. Bands like Héroes del Silencio and Extremoduro have left an indelible mark on the music scene. If you identify with powerful messages and electric guitars, Spanish rock could be your genre of choice.

These are just a few examples of the rich diversity of music genres that Spain has to offer. Which one is your favorite? Find out more in the TikTok Music app, where you can explore a wide selection of music from all genres and find your ideal sound.

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