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TikTok Music Article ForumArticleWhat SECRET NUMBER songs should you listen to?

What SECRET NUMBER songs should you listen to?

MelodíasKpopFan · Posted on May 6th, 2024

Discover more captivating melodies from SECRET NUMBER

Have you found yourself humming a SECRET NUMBER song lately and wondering what other music tracks from this group might resonate with you? SECRET NUMBER is a K-pop group that has been gaining popularity for their catchy music and unique styles. In this article, we'll explore some additional recommendations to expand your playlist with more of their talent.

"Who Dis?" - The debut that made the difference.

SECRET NUMBER's debut single, "Who Dis?," is a must-have track for any fan. With a mix of urban sounds and a strong pop base, this track demonstrates the group's charisma and energy.

"Got That Boom" - Energy that spreads

If you're looking for something with a more energetic rhythm, "Got That Boom" will invite you to dance from the first second. The catchy rhythm and high-quality production make this song a perfect addition to your upcoming party.

"Privacy" - A more intimate touch

For those moments when you prefer a song with a more intimate tone, "Privacy" offers a soft melody accompanied by lyrics that talk about vulnerability and personal feelings.

"Fire Saturday" - The party continues

"Fire Saturday" is another track that keeps the energy up. With an electro-pop base, this song is ideal to enjoy over the weekend and add to your party playlist.

These are just some of the songs that SECRET NUMBER has to offer. Don't forget that you can find all their music on streaming platforms likeTikTok Musicwhere you can enjoy his complete discography and discover even more songs that suit your musical tastes.

We hope you found these recommendations helpful and continue to explore the vibrant world of SECRET NUMBER and K-pop in general.